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This project is about the relationship between the distance of the sound source through a sound proof door. It was to explain how sound proof is the sound proof room in Clackamas High School.


Does the distance of the sound source effect the decibal in a negative way?

Interesting question: Are the practice rooms in Clackamas High School Sound Proof?


1. Obtain sound probe and sound source

2. Find a sound proof room

3. Choose independent note to play with.

4. Collect data while moving at different distances.

5. Record data

6. Be cautious not to get the sounds mix up from other sources.

7. Always use the same note


The farther away from the sound source, the lower the decibal level. The practice room is also not sound proof. Therefore answering our interesting, yet tedious question. The practice room is also not sound proof as we though it would be. Our choice of sound was the trumpet. A nice and easy instrument to use. During our research, we could hear all the notes as if we were standing right next to it.The equation for the graph used was y=A*^x^B. This was the only equation that was a best fit for a curve fit. In our finding, there was no dead zone as there were many sound sources during our trail. The paddings in the practice rooms only withstand music in a certain area, but not completely. Our project stayed on course as we accurately measure eah distance and decibal on time and in the right place. The only problem with our research as the noise from the other practice rooms and the noise from the band room. In theory, sound sources tend to decrease as the further away we are from it. Another question to strenghten this thesis is " How would we make the room more sound proof?"

GRAPH: How does the distance from the sound source affect the decibal



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