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Nuclear Reaction Fundamentals

Nuclear Reaction Fundamentals
While an in-depth understanding of the physics of the nucleus can be a
prodigious undertaking, a relatively simple model of the nucleus will
suffice for our study of nuclear power reactors. The standard model of
an atom consists of a very dense positively charged nucleus, surrounded
by negatively charged orbiting electrons. Compared to the
size of atoms, with diameters of roughly 10-8 cm, the size of the
nucleus is very small, of the order of10-12 cm. For modeling purposes
we consider a nucleus to be made up of N neutrons and Z protons.
Both are referred to as nucleons, thus the nucleus has NþZ nucleons.

The number of protons, Z, is the atomic number; it determines an
atom’s chemical properties, while NþZ is its atomic weight. Nuclei
with the same atomic number but different atomic weights, due to
different numbers of neutrons, are isotopes of the same chemical
element. We refer to a nucleus as N+ZZX, where X is the symbol used
in the periodic table to designate the chemical element

Reaction Equations
Nuclear reactions are written as
A+ B = C + D ..................(1.1)
An example of a nuclear reaction is
He +Li =Be+H ...................(1.2)

This equation does not tell us how likely the reaction is to take place,
or whether it is exothermic or endothermic. It does, however, illustrate
two conservation conditions that always hold: conservation of
charge (Z) and conservation of nucleons (N+Z). Conservation of
charge requires that the sum of the subscripts on the two sides
of the equation be equal, in this case 2+3=4+1. Conservation of
nucleons requires that the superscripts be equal, in this case
Nuclear reactions for the most part take place in two stages. First
a compound nucleus is formed from the two reactants, but that
nucleus is unstable and so divides, most often into two components.
This being the case, we might write Eq. (1.2) in two stages:
He + Li = B --> Be + H ...........................(1.3)
However, in most of the reactions that we will utilize the compound
nucleus disintegrates instantaneously. Thus no harm is done in
eliminating the intermediate step from the reaction equation. The
exception is when the compound nucleus is unstable but disintegrates
over a longer period of time. Then, instead of writing a single
equation, such as Eq. (1.3), we write two separate reaction equations.
For example, when a neutron is captured by indium, it emits only a
gamma ray:

The gamma ray has neither mass nor charge. Thus we give it both
super- and subscripts of zero: of gamma ray
. Indium-117 is not a stable nuclide but
rather undergoes radioactive decay, in this case the indium decays to
tin by emitting an electron, and an accompanying gamma ray:
In -->Sn + e + gamma ray ......................(1.5)

The electron is noted by e, with a subscript of 1, since is has the
opposite charge of a proton and a superscript of zero since its mass is
only slightly more than one two-thousandths of the mass of a proton
or neutron. A rudimentary way of looking at the nuclear model would
be to view the electron emission as resulting from one of the neutrons
within the nucleus decomposing into a proton and an electron.
Decay reactions such as Eq. (1.5) take place over time and are
characterized by a half-life, referred to as t1/2 . Given a large number
of such nuclei, half of them will decay in a time span of t1/2 , threefourths
of them in 2t1/2 , seven-eighths of them in 3t1/2 , and so on.
The half-life of indium-117 is 54 minutes. Half-lives vary over many
orders of magnitude, depending on the nuclide in question. Some
radioactive materials with very long half-lives appear naturally in
the surface of the earth. For example,
U --> Th + He .............................(1.6)
with t1/2 =2.45*10-5 years. We will return to the mathematical
description of half-lives and radioactive decay later in the chapter.
Gamma rays are sometimes omitted from reaction equations;
since they carry neithermass nor charge they do not affect the nucleon
and charge balances that we have thus far discussed. Gamma rays,
however, are important in the energy conservation law that we will
discuss subsequently. Their role may be understood as follows. Following
a nuclear collision, reaction, or radioactive decay the nucleus
generally is left in an excited state. It then relaxes to its ground or
unexcited state by emitting one or more gamma rays. These rays are
emitted at distinct energies, corresponding to the quantum energy
levels of the nucleus. This nuclear phenomenon is analogous to the
situation in atomic physics where an orbital electron in an excited
state emits a photon as it drops to its ground state. Both gamma rays
and photons are electromagnetic radiation. However, they differ
greatly in energy. For while the photons emitted from the relaxation
of orbital electrons typically are in the electron volt range, the energies
of gamma rays are measured in millions of electron volts.
One remaining nuclear radiation, which we have not mentioned, is
the neutrino. In conjunction with electron emission a neutrino is created,
and carries off a part of the reaction energy. Since neutrinos do not
interact with matter to any significant extent, the energy they carry away
is for all practical purposes lost. However, they must be included in the
energy conservation considerations of the following section.


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